an offer from Remi Wagner
> Zur deutschsprachigen Version

Alpstein with Kronberg and Säntis in springtime
Thank you for visiting my website and for your interest in my offers.
For some months now I have been busy enough with various projects and accompaniments. Therefore, I am inactivating the offers on this website and invite you to find other coaches.
Contact and imprint:
Remigius (Remi) Wagner
Poststr. 1, 9050 Appenzell
Tel. +41 (0)71 787 15 48
> More about me
Evolution coaching & training is based on the assumption that we humans, groups and other systems of our cosmos are constantly evolving. Such coaching and training is about more than achieving goals or solutions with previously familiar patterns of thought and action. In addition to the usual reflection on where we are, where we want to go and how we want to achieve this, it is also about taking into account our development, taking on as many essential perspectives as possible and including as many relevant aspects of our being and working as possible. This includes body, thinking, feeling, spirit, shadow, as well as the ego, our we, objects and methods, the systemic larger contexts, the female, male and other type parts, our consciousness, subtle spheres, our development or transience and the Eros of creation. Evolution coaching & training is based on integral philosophy and life practice.
We can draw on the foundations of the pioneers of integral philosophy and life practice, including Aurobindo, Jean Gebser and Ken Wilber. The most applicable seems to me to be the Integral Map AQAL by Ken Wilber.
Training institutes and services for coaching and training with an integral approach:
- Martin Ucik with his training and coaching on partnerships.
- Rolf Lutterbeck with his offers and his understanding of integral coaching.
- Coaching Institute Living Sense with its offers and its understanding of integral coaching.
- Martin Bertsch and his Visionsschmiede.
You can ask these training institutes for coaches who best meet your needs.